It started with a story.
Fadó fadó… there lived a little girl who loved to draw. Her imagination was filled with stories about forest fauna and fairy tales. As time went by, she was happiest of all with a pencil or paintbrush in her hand.
When she grew up she had two little children who also loved forest stories. She began to draw these tales for them. Her two little children learned all about Irish nature and their imaginations grew. Everywhere they went they imagined new characters and adventures.
One day they saw two wild rabbits behind their house in the country and began to make up stories about the adventures the two rabbits would have together and the friends they would make along the way.
The little girl (all grown up now), knowing that her little children would one day grow up too, decided to create something that would capture this special connection and all that it stood for, the beauty and wide eyed wonder of the natural world that is all around us. And so Fiadh & Finn was created to keep the magic of stories alive for children and their families. The little girl still loves having a pencil or a paintbrush in her hand.